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Searched "zine making" here on itchio and found this zine. While I've never said "I've always wanted to make a zine someday" out loud to someone, I've always *thought* it, and I think this zine has helped me get through my problem–which was, 100%, that I didn't think what I had to write about was worth putting into a zine, lol. really called me out there! I'll definitely send you my first zine once I make it!

I'm happy this has this own section. I have a feeling I'll be screnshotting and sending these to some people I know.

Haha glad it sticks! Please feel free to send them the whole PDF if you want to xD

This is fantastic! Angel and I make some zines too (I'll admit I largely use them as game rulebooks at this point) and know the power of being able to make them, and I hope this helps more people discover that as well 🙌 

We also discovered your website from here and what you do with your distro is so awesome! And you've done a lot of really amazing stuff, Wesley! I hope you continue to be awesome :D

- ✨Beth